Fabric Clips
Floral Embroidery Scissors
Grip Fit Seam Ripper
Embroidery Angels Scissors
Purse Parrot Embroidery Scissors With Pouch
Anastasia Bag Pattern
Bernina 990 Series
Wine Country-Leaf Grape Batik
New Hue Light Olive
Bernina Accessory XL Piping Attachment L8 Series
Bernina Accessory Box
Dry Brush Peach
Bernina 570 QE E Kaffe
Dime Perfect Vision Magnifying Lamp
2023 WWShop Hop Finishing Kit
Arabella Block of the Month Pattern
Cascade Quilt Kit (Warm Version)
Cascade Quilt Kit (Cool Version)
Forage Quilt Kit
Forage Quilt Pattern
Overview Quilt Kit
Gilded Cabins
Arabella Quilt Kit
Count Your Blessings Quilt Kit
2M Quilt Kit
Trellis Quilt Kit
Bernina #3
PF Best of Needle Bundle of 3 Packs
PF Best of Needle Bundle Pack of 3
PF Best of Needle Bundle Pack of 4 Packs (Display box w/10 Pkgs, must be multiples of 10)